Organic Orange Green Tea

993EB5EE-BCA4-41E6-9009-597124ADFA72I’d like to share another green tea with you today. This tea comes from Touch Organic and consists of organic green tea and natural orange flavour. While I enjoy it hot, it can also be made as an iced tea. The non-bleached (light brown) tea bags come individually wrapped which makes this tea a perfect choice to take with you each day or to include in a card for a friend. If you do include a teabag in a card, you might want to take the time to go to the post office and have them hand cancel the envelope. That way you don’t have to worry about the slight hump caused by the teabag causing the card to get caught and ripped open when running through the machinery.
How does this offering taste? Lovely! There’s no bitterness and the orange flavour is noticeable but not overpowering. I tend to take my tea with honey, but since I’m supposed to be cutting out carbs I used half a teaspoon of monk fruit today. It was still a flavourful tea, but I must confess to preferring the added sweetness of honey over the monk fruit.

This is not the only tea variety from this maker in which I’ve indulged. I have also enjoyed they organic mango green tea blend as well. So much so, that when I ran out I purchased another round caddy when I found it again at HomeGoods. I divided the teabags between the two caddies so that I could have this blend both upstairs or down whenever the mood struck.

Knowing that I’m drinking an organic tea whose leaves haven’t been sprayed with a laundry list of chemicals is reassuring, especially since I’m trying to detoxify my body and make it healthier. Be sure to visit the Touch Organic website to learn about their vision and labour practices. While you’re there, peruse other offerings that I’m sure are equally enjoyable. If you try, and enjoy, a different selection, please feel free to share that with us.

NOTE: There are no affiliate links included in this post. Links given are for reference and ease of use only.

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Ginger A.
    Jan 02, 2020 @ 20:24:29

    Hey Girl,

    Try Stevia! It’s a natural product for sweetening that’s been out for a couple of years now.




  2. Ginger A.
    Jan 02, 2020 @ 20:26:26

    2nd reply

    You’ve got me going now. I love iced tea and you said the Magic Words, that it can be made as an iced tea. I’m a coffee drinker and rarely drink hot tea.

    However, that said, is this tea decaffeinated? Or do these good people have Decaf varieties of their organic teas?




    • Hooked on Quilting
      Jan 04, 2020 @ 15:51:55

      Hi Miss Ginger,

      There’s no information on the packaging about how much, if any, caffeine is in this particular tea. I double checked their website as well but didn’t find the answer to your question there either. I believe an 8-ounce cup of pure green tea typically contains about 25mg of caffeine. Since I almost always only drink green tea in the morning, I don’t really pay attention to how much caffeine I’m consuming. Any help to wake up is always welcomed 🙂 .


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