Free Patterns

The patterns given here are for your personal use and enjoyment only unless otherwise stated. They are not to be used for commercial purposes or in a classroom setting.

Fabric Face Mask from Patrick Lose – Tie version with pocket for adding a filter

Fabric Face Mask by Thangles – Tie version

Be My Neighbor – Welcome to our neighborhood!  Moda has created another set of patterns that will help you bust that ever growing stash. The patterns are given in gray-scale so you can colour your neighborhood any colour you like.  A new pattern will be added each Monday with the last one to be given on December 19.  At that time, I will post an optional setting pattern that you can use to put your blocks together or as a springboard for a totally different design.  You can see a finished quilt on their blog.  Or, you can just start piecing with your favorite scraps and let the end results be a surprise, kinda like a mystery quilt.  So, come on!  Join our Moda’hood!

Setting Instructions

Strips of Hope – This is free pattern that used to be on the Blank Quilting website.* It is the pattern that we used to make our red and black quilt that so many folks love. Be sure to read the instructions carefully. Our quilt looks a bit different than the one on the pattern cover because each strip was cut in half rather than cutting just the first strip as stated in the instructions. You can do it either way depending on how many diagonal dividing strips you want to insert. If you prefer a longer quilt, just cut the columns longer than the instructions say. You might need to add another strip and divider depending on how long you wish to make it.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

*Permission to add this pattern given by Renee, 7-17-14.

Autograph Block

Stitchin Camp Pincushion

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