Rainy Days Get Me Down

Today was a very wet, cloudy, and windy day. The weather was absolutely awful until late afternoon when it turned to just yucky and uninspiring. I’ve decided that the reason why gray has never been a colour I liked is because of days like this.

Between thunderstorms, tornado watches and warnings, and an excess of rain, which 998F330D-0EF9-4B99-82D7-95489BCF9508caused flooding in many low-lying areas, my nerves were a bit on the frayed side. Thankfully, I had the perfect tea blend from Plum Deluxe in my stash – Rainy Day Puerh. What better way to correct the gloomies than with a hot cup of tea that was made for, or at least named after, a rainy day?

This organic, fair-trade tea blend lets you know the moment you open the pouch that you’re in for a treat as the aroma is wonderful – very spicy, very warming, very reassuring. Once you read the ingredients list you’ll better understand why. Puerh 82C2725B-2D7C-49BE-ABF2-31935FF0DD7Cis used as the base to which cinnamon bark, orange peel, ginger root, anise, safflower, and sweet cinnamon extract are added. The resulting tea is one that gives you a lift and almost makes you glad it’s raining outside so that this lovely tea can be enjoyed inside all snug and warm. Even though it is a sweet tea, I still add honey to my cup. It may just be me, but I think the addition of honey just helps to smooth everything out so that no one spice sticks out above the rest nor does the earthiness of the Puerh dominate the whole. While I’ve not tried it, the notes on their website say this tea blend, “Whips up into a beautiful chai latte or even a cocktail.”

Since I’m almost out of this tea I think I just might take advantage of their special offer. Between now and January 31 you can enjoy 12% off of three or more of the same tea, no coupon needed. If you still feel the need to de-stress after all the holiday festivities, they’re offering Coconut Ginger Soother for $5 this month. And you can’t beat the free sample that you get with every order. I love these little freebies because they’re the perfect size to include in a card to a friend or someone who needs a bit of a boost, assuming I don’t keep it for myself in the event that it’s a blend I’ve not purchased before.

When you go to the Plum Deluxe website, be sure to sign up for their newsletter. They’re pretty short and sweet, and there’s almost always a recipe or two that sounds tempting. Besides, you wouldn’t want to miss word of their new offerings or specials.

Speaking of specials, I’m going to have to try their Chinese New Year Herbal blend since it’s the year of the rat and I’m a rat according to the Chinese Zodiac. I’ll have to get on the stick and get my order in though because this blend is a limited edition only for the month of January. I feel a shopping spree coming on for tomorrow!

NOTE: There are no affiliate links in this post. All links are given for reference and ease of use only.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. TeaIsAWishBlog
    Jan 12, 2020 @ 04:15:52

    Love Plum Deluxe Teas each one of theirs that I’ve had I’ve loved. I can’t wait to try some more


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